Inghams Insider's Guide to the Scariest Ski Runs

Attention all adrenaline junkies! Our ski programme is home to many of the world’s most electrifying (read terrifying) ski runs. It’s not the spooky ghosts and ghouls or horror films that give us nightmares, it’s the idea of skiing these terrifying runs on our ski holiday.

For the most fearless amongst you, we at Inghams have come up with our top five scariest ski runs that are bound to make you howl. With our head office input and Facebook and Twitter users we’ve compiled a list of the most daring slopes to attempt.

From the Swiss Wall to the Delirium Dive, we dare you to tackle these hair-raising, spine-chilling, blood-curdling scariest ski runs!

The Harakiri, Mayrhofen


The Harakiri, Mayrhofen - Scary Ski Runs

A ghastly gradient of 39° at its steepest section, the Harakiri ski run in Mayrhofen is Austria’s steepest black piste and is certainly not one for the faint-hearted. Numerous signs warn of the impending danger but the top of the Harakiri is actually pretty gentle, enticing the more curious skier or snowboarder…

… But don’t be deceived, this is an incredible challenge for anyone whose ski technique is anything less than advanced!

Due to its cliff-like nature, any snow simply slides down the slope, creating incredibly icy conditions - it’s either carve hard or freeze up with fear. Often, a skier will make it down… but not always in style! Equipment inevitably follows a fall, and, at the end, the unfortunate skier is reunited with gloves, sticks, skis, goggles that found their own route down.

Practice on Piste No. 12, the not-so-extreme Devil’s ski run. The steep part at the end is known amongst locals as the Harakiri Test. If you can make it down that, you are ready to face The Harakiri.

The Swiss Wall, Avoriaz


Swiss Wall - Avoriaz - Scary Ski Runs

Tom Goode on Facebook said “When it’s icy nothing comes close!”

Despite its name, The Swiss Wall ski run is in the French part of the Portes du Soleil and is one of France’s most terrifying ungroomed ski route. They say we fear the unknown, but in the case of the Pas de Chavanette (as the locals call it), chances are the less you know, the better.

Perhaps thankfully, as you pause beside the warning sign at the top, the initial gradient of 40° hides your immediate view. It’s only when you commit do you see the rock-solid, blue-tinged icy patches navigating their way between car-sized moguls that cover almost the entire run… this piste certainly has the fear factor!

Think you’re ready to take on The Swiss Wall and still stay smiling? Our tip is to head up the Fornet chairlift for decent mogul practice. Here you’ll find the less threatening SnowCross Pschott and SnowCross Marmotte. Make sure you work on some sharp twisting and turning, and high-level control, so that you’re not spooked when it comes to The Wall.

Delirium Dive, Banff


Delirium Dive - Banff - Scary Ski Runs

Lynn Hanson on Facebook said, “Ah Delirium Dive at Sunshine Banff – skied there many many times – fabulous area to ski – peered over the edge and then continued on down a humanly possible route each time”

The local ski patrol won’t even let you ski this double black diamond run unless you have the appropriate protection. To ski Banff’s infamous Delirium Dive skiers are obliged to carry a backpack, avalanche beacon, shovel and probe in case of emergencies when they traverse the treacherous, narrow chutes.

This “exscream” freeride zone is restricted to super expert skiers and snowboarders who’ve had avalanche training, and even they aren’t allowed to ride it without a buddy. The view from the top will make you quake in your ski boots: the slope is seemingly endless, and gradients range upwards of 60°!

If none of the above sounds petrifying enough to you, then perhaps the hair-raising 200km hike along a narrow, icy ridgeway to the top of the slope will do it? No wonder the route was named one of CNN's most extreme ski runs in the world!

Le Tunnel, Alpe d'Huez


Tortin - Verbier - Scary Ski Runs

Melissa Avory on Facebook said “Just the top bit scared me to death!”

Alpe d’Huez’s frightful Le Tunnel is part of the longer run, La Sarenne, or more commonly known as Champagne. The name given by locals, as anyone who makes it down to the bottom of the 16km run, deserves a glass or 3 of bubbly.

Starting at the top of the Pic Blanc at 3330 metres, The Champagne is the longest black run in Europe with a drop of over 2km. This run is truly a test of endurance – there’s no time for jelly legs here! The real test of the brave hearted on this run is those who can make it through Le Tunnel in one piece. Skiers will have to navigate their way through an intense mogul field, before skiing through the narrow tunnel itself and successfully emerging out the other side. As with all these ski runs, the nightmares Le Tunnel induces depend on the snow cover. Should you be unfortunate enough to catch this run in icy conditions, you have the added challenge of slowing yourself down enough through the tunnel that you don’t overshoot the tiny ledge out the other side, and find yourself tumbling hundreds of metres down the mountain.

Pista Saslong, Selva


Gran Risa - La Villa - Scary Ski Runs

Selva’s Pista Saslong ski slope is far more likely to give you the goose bumps than the giggles! The legendary black piste in the heart of The Dolomites has been host to the FIS World Cup Downhill, one of the great classic competitions of Alpine skiing, since 1972.

Amateur skiers and snowboarders may be tempted to follow in the footsteps of their ski heroes but, at over 3 kilometres in length, with a drop of 800 meters, sharp bends and steep walls, this run is not for the faint hearted - this ski run is a thriller, and no one’s going to save you now!